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About the Festival

Mujeres y Cine is a virtual Hispanic film festival organized by faculty members of Denison University and Ohio Wesleyan University. Funded by the Ohio Five Consortium and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and with the financial support of the Honors Program at Ohio Wesleyan University, Mujeres y Cine will have virtual screenings of five international award-winning films released in 2018 and 2019, all directed or co-directed by women filmmakers. Each screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with guest artists via zoom. Questions from the audience can be submitted either prior to the event through or through the zoom chat. All five films are in Spanish, but they will be accompanied by English subtitles, and the Q&A sessions will be in both English and Spanish. Additionally, through the festival website students will have access to resources in English and Spanish, such as interviews with the directors, movie reviews by renowned critics, and movie guides that accompany specific academic courses. These can be found in the Student Resources page. 







The primary cultural and educational goals of this festival are to...

Promote linguistic and cultural diversity and understanding by selecting films from different countries (Cuba, Spain, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic). 

Expose students to current issues that have a strong social impact in each country as well as globally, and to foster discussion of these issues among students, faculty, and guest artists. The films include relevant topics such as international justice, issues of race, class, gender, and sexual identity, and power dynamics in the family and the workplace.  

Celebrate women’s cultural contributions to the development of a Hispanic cinema that is rich and plural, and thereby to advocate for a more diverse and equitable film industry. 

Overcome the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and continue the efforts of both Ohio Wesleyan and Denison University to provide those cultural events which are integral to a liberal arts education.









Ohio Wesleyan University:
Eva París Huesca, Director of Film Studies Program and Associate Professor of Spanish, Modern Foreign Languages Department

Denison University:
Dosinda Alvite, Associate Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages Department
Ramiro Garcia-Olano, Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish, Modern Languages Department


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Eva París Huesca

Director of Film Studies Program and Associate Professor of Spanish 

Modern Foreign Languages Department

Ohio Wesleyan University

Dosinda Alvite

Associate Professor of Spanish

Modern Languages Department

Denison University

Ramiro Garcia-Olano

Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish 

Modern Languages Department

Denison University

Special Thanks

The Steering Committee for the Ohio Five Mellon Language Grant

Susana Velazquez, Program and Budget Manager, the Five Colleges of Ohio

Honors Program, Ohio Wesleyan University

Johanna Adrian Burr, web designer, OWU alumna
Chuck Della Lana, Director of Media Services Ohio Wesleyan University
Melissa Hill, Serials & Electronic Resources Manager, Ohio Wesleyan University

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Ohio Wesleyan University

The Five Colleges of Ohio

Denison University

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